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Cash or Personal Cheque with Bankers Card, all major Credit/Debit Cards, Bankers Draft or BACS Transfer are all acceptable methods of payment. Our Terms are payment in full within thirty days. All goods remain the property of the Company until paid for in full. Monies that remains outstanding by the due date will incur late payment interest at the rate of 8% above the prevailing Bank of England’s base rate on the outstanding balance until such time as the balance is paid in full and final settlement. We reserve the right to seek recovery of any monies remaining unpaid sixty days from the date of invoice via collection Agencies and/or through the Small Claims Court in the event that the outstanding balance does not exceed £3000. In such circumstances, you shall be liable for any and all additional administrative and/or court costs.  Returned cheques will incur a £25 charge to cover banking fees and administrative costs. In an instance of a second Returned cheque, we reserve the right to terminate the arrangement and, if agreed to, we shall insist on future cash transactions only. Consequently, all bookings and/or transactions and agreements entered into will cease with immediate effect until such time as any and all outstanding monies are recovered in full.